The Wine Press was a beginning for me on the road to being a drunk... Recovery for me occurred in the Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) program, using the 12 Steps. These took me to a different place in my thinking, where formerly I could not draw (I could only doodle around the edge of a page), to a place where I could take a thought and make it a cartoon. Some of my cartoons are silly and some are serious. May they take you the viewer to a different place in your thinking about the disease of alcoholism.
The program of action called AA really got a kick start in 1935 when a one drunk called another drunk for the purpose of recovery.
Alcoholism is a disease. Today I believe it, because I've lived through the effects of it. Both on myself and members of my immediate family. As one of my favorite books says: "It is cunning, baffling, and powerful!
Willingness was the key for me. The willingness to seek help. I opened the door just a little and this was enough of a beginning.
Alcoholism and addiction affects every member of a family - whether they are using or not.